Username-based rate limit

Make sure that you are already registered as a subscriber.

You will need to different devices to try this demo, if you can use a two different internet connections that’s ideal but not required.

  • Desktop + Phone
  • Phone + Phone
  • Ipad + Phone
  • Chrome + Firefox
  • etc.

Follow the below steps in the exact order:

Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with the values you chose during registration.

  1. Clear all browser cookies for this site on both devices.
  2. Go to the login page on the first device.
  3. First device: Try to log in five times using your USERNAME and an incorrect password.
  4. Second device: Log in with your USERNAME and correct PASSWORD.
    You should be logged in on the second device now.
  5. First device: Log in again using USERNAME and an incorrect password.
    You should now see that you are rate-limited for 15 minutes.
  6. Second device: Log out and perform six failed logins using USERNAME and an incorrect password.
    You should now be rate limited for twenty seconds.
  7. Second device: Wait twenty seconds, log in using USERNAME, and correct PASSWORD.
    You should be logged in again, even though device1 is still throttled. This works device2 had already been used once.



